Montana Jones

Montana n: A state of the northwest United States bordering on Canada. Admitted as the 41st state in 1889. The fourth largest state in the union, it includes vast prairies and numerous majestic mountain ranges.
Syn: Treasure State, Big Sky Country, Last Best Place.

Jones n: slang. An addiction or very deep craving.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Who loves you?

So we were wanting to know if you had any time to, you know, pick up some projects on the side.
Well, things have slowed down for sure, but I don't think I could take on any new projects right now. My business is still taking a lot of my attention and I am putting a lot of my time into a new database for my own company. I don't think I could do any outside work right now.
Well, okay. Just thought I would check. That system you built for us is doing really well, B% and G% are now onboard using it and we will be signing up some others soon. We are really happy with what you built and how it is working. We have M_ going through your code trying to build the expanded parts, but we thought it would be easier to get the person who wrote it in the first place.
Yeah, I understand, I have tried to read other peoples code before. It can get a little rough sometimes. If it looks like I will have more time over the winter or if I need a side project I will give you a call okay.
That would be great, we love the work you did for us.


So I want to move the websites to a new host to make this new system work.
That would be okay I guess.
Do you have any of the traffic stats for them so I can get enough bandwidth?
Well I can get the stats from &C, but I would have to call &S to get that one. You know we could point both domains to &S and combine the two sites.
Yeah, but I want to keep them separate. And I don't like &S for a host either, they make it too hard to get stuff you need like stats or Email addresses.
All you have to do is call them up.
Like I said, they make it too hard. A good web host will never talk to you. If you need something, like a new Email you should be able to just make it. You should never have to ask them for what is yours.
They have tons of storage and good php. They should be all we need.
Yeah, but what about the databases? And logfiles? And Email? I spent seven years doing this professionally, I'm good at this. I shouldn't have to call them and wait for them every time I make a move with my own domain. Not when there are hosting companies out there that will give me the tools to do what I do without getting in the way.
Well, I like 'em for other reasons.