Montana Jones

Montana n: A state of the northwest United States bordering on Canada. Admitted as the 41st state in 1889. The fourth largest state in the union, it includes vast prairies and numerous majestic mountain ranges.
Syn: Treasure State, Big Sky Country, Last Best Place.

Jones n: slang. An addiction or very deep craving.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

Drunk Guy:
Alright, Alright, lissen up. Hey, you gotta be quiet if you want to hear this. Hey! Okay, here is the deal here. We got fifty of these little bottles of booze, hey lissen! It's an Easter egg hunt. We got fifty of these shots of booze hidden on the grounds. Now here is the rules. When you find 'em you gotta bring 'em here so we can count 'em off. We don't want your kids finding these later this summer so be sure to get 'em all counted and hey, wait, I didn't say start. Wait, don't go yet. Hey! That's a penalty for starting early. You haven't heard all the rules. Wait, ahh hell. Go have fun.
Aren't you playing?
Naw, we are beer drinkers. Looks like those guys have already found half of them.
Tattooed Girl:
Oooh, heres one. And here.
Sunburned Guy:
Oh yeah, got one.
How far should we look? Are they on this side of the road?
Loud Girl:
Hey, how many did you find?
Tattooed Girl:
I only have eleven. Go look, there are a bunch more out there.
I know where one is, it's in plain sight, just disguised is all.
Well, where is it? Tell me.
I'm having too much fun watching you all miss it.
Drunk Guy:
None of them are across the road. They are all between the road and the road and the parking lot.
Sweatshirt Guy:
Nice, I got one from the rafters.
I think this is just a ploy to get the drunks to pick up the litter in the yard.
Tattooed Girl:
I already got the one from the flower pot.
I found one just sitting in the grass.
Don't bother looking under those cushions, I already looked there.
Loud Girl:
So how many have we got? What's the count?
There are still eleven or twelve out there.
If I find one this is gonna be the coolest Easter ever. If I don't I'm gonna think this sucks.
Drunk Guy:
Hey, you wanna hint?
Drunk Guy:
Go look at that beer can over there.
Cool, how the hell did you get it in there?
Loud Girl:
It was in the beer can? Can you do that?
Thanks for the Easter entertainment.
Drunk Guy:
No problem man, it's good times.

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Happy Easter Jones!
Now THAT's a good idea! Happy belated Easter :)
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