Montana Jones

Montana n: A state of the northwest United States bordering on Canada. Admitted as the 41st state in 1889. The fourth largest state in the union, it includes vast prairies and numerous majestic mountain ranges.
Syn: Treasure State, Big Sky Country, Last Best Place.

Jones n: slang. An addiction or very deep craving.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Fatalist and the Buddhist

So what is up with this girl from the other city?
Well, she's cool. We got together the other week and we plan to again this weekend.
That's good. So what's really going on with you guys?
I like her, but beyond that I don't know. I don't want to worry about it. I'm not sure if I should even talk about it; I don't want to jinx anything.
You are such a fatalist.
What does that mean?
It means you don't express your emotions and you don't talk about stuff because it might jinx something. You let fate decide where you are going.
Is that good or bad?
It's just your style. It is something I have noticed about you from the past few years.


So is this a romantic possibility?
I don't know. I like her well enough. It's just that she lives in the wrong damn city and there is the whole distance thing. If we were in the same town I'm sure that we would be seeing each other, but we're not in the same town and there is this damn mountain between us and that's not about to change.
There is always the possibility, right? Anything could happen.
Sure. I like her, I am enjoying talking with her and we will probably get together again soon. For now I am just enjoying the moment. I don't want to worry about down the road, I'm trying to live in the now.
That's very Buddhist of you.